Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Blog With A Short Attention Span

Apparently blogging is the thing to be doing these days, so here's my own little addition to the blogging world. I'm not sure what I'll be talking about here, but as the name of the blog and the title of this post indicate it will probably be on a myriad of topics ranging from programming to GNU/Linux, maybe some family stuff, we'll see.

I actually started writing my own blogging software (you know, as a learning opportunity) but I thought it best to just get this thing up and running sooner then later. I was planning on hosting it on my own server at home but I was concerned that it might end up eating up enough upstream bandwidth to cause problems for the services I have running from home. But the main reason for wanting to get this blog off the ground right away is that there is a lot going on in my life that I want to talk about right now and I don't want to miss anything. For example, I'm teaching myself Python, so I have a lot to talk about as I make progress there. Also, we're trying to refine our SCRUM methodology at work and I need an outlet for the frustration and concerns that this process has incurred. Mostly, I just want to have a voice in this great big internet, so here it is.

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